What Is the Difference Between SEO and Google Ads?Knowing the right digital marketing techniques to enhance your advertising strategy can be a challenge. Let’s face it, this is one crowded cookie tin, and until you unwrap each individual sweet treat, you won’t know if...
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What’s Better For Your Business: Display Advertising Or Google Ads?
What's Better For Your Business: Display Advertising Or Google Ads?Deciding whether you should use Google Search Ads or display ads is a little like the red pill / blue pill Matrix conundrum; a difficult choice. Understanding the difference leads not only to time and...
Social Media Customer Care Guide: How To Use Social Media To Communicate With Customers
Social Media Customer Care Guide: How To Use Social Media To Communicate With CustomersAh, social media; as a business, you have to love it. The colossal digital megaphone, letting you speak directly into the ears of over 4.6 billion users. In business terms, this is...
What Is the Difference Between SEO and Google Ads?
What Is the Difference Between SEO and Google Ads?Knowing the right digital marketing techniques to enhance your advertising strategy can be a challenge. Let’s face it, this is one crowded cookie tin, and until you unwrap each individual sweet treat, you won’t know if...
How Much is SEO Worth for Your Business?
How Much is SEO Worth for Your Business?Businesses have been implementing SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) tools within digital marketing strategies for a while now - and, when they do it right, they rarely look back. Some organisations hire specialist agencies to...
How Does SEO Help with Business Growth?
How Does SEO Help with Business Growth?There is no doubt that digital marketing and search engine optimisation (SEO) methods are vital in attracting potential customers and even a wider audience. SEO tactics, from link-building to Google Ads all greatly impact your...
How Can Google Ads Advance Business Goals?
How Can Google Ads Advance Business Goals?Over the last 20 years, the world has seen a significant shift in consumer trends, stemming from the growth of the internet. From monitoring your customer’s browsing and shopping habits, to increasing the visibility of your...
How Much Does SEO Cost?
How Much Does SEO Cost?Wondering how much SEO costs, and whether the investment is worth it for your business? It’s a little like wondering whether to invest in that beautiful, luxury artisan stand mixer: you’ve heard so much good news about it, but maybe that price...
Advanced Guide to SEO: Learn Advanced SEO Tactics with The Brains
Advanced guide to SEO: Learn advanced SEO tactics with The BrainsIt’s been a long road, and the time has come to take on the final SEO boss: prepare to meet Ganondorf (you know - from Zelda). Turn your search engine optimisation (SEO) campaigns into powerful lead...
Improve PPC Performance: Intermediate Guide to PPC
Improve PPC Performance: Intermediate Guide to PPCThis Brainy intermediate guide to PPC is packed with helpful advice on how to improve PPC performance. Find out what tactics to use to improve your PPC efforts with help from our award-winning PPC Brains, and sharpen...